Through a competitive application process, teachers across the district submitted grant proposals to fund unique classroom projects not already funded through the regular school budget.
Lisa Williams, human resource manager at A. O. Smith, said, “It’s a great honor to award the teachers in Cheatham County grants through the A. O. Smith Foundation. This year we were able to provide 29 grants totaling $13,196. As always, the teachers came up with some creative projects, and we look forward to visiting the classrooms to see the projects come to life.”
Misty Keenan, executive director of the Cheatham County Chamber of Commerce said, “The Chamber is honored to partner with A. O. Smith on the grant program again this year. One of the Chamber’s goals is to help develop the workforce in the county and this is one way we can achieve that. With this partnership, we can support the creative training of our youth.”
The grant recipients were announced during the recent countywide in-service.
Dr. Tara Watson, the school district’s chief academic officer, said, “The generous support from A. O. Smith and the Chamber bring a new dynamic to our classrooms. Many teachers took advantage of the opportunity to submit grant proposals, and we are thankful that the grants will enhance the educational opportunities for our students.”
The recipients of the 2016-2017 A. O. Smith Teacher Grants are listed below:
- Kristin McQueen (ACES): The Shipwrecked Traveler STEM Challenge
- Jane Crocker (ACES): Simulations in American History
- Tamara Retchless (ACES): A Poem in my Pocket
- Carlee Darnell (ACES): Building More to Math Than Just Facts
- Shannon Rakes (CCCHS): Bird House
- Easlin Robinson (CCCHS): Incorporation of Aquaponics and Greenhouse Management
- Kristian Dennison (CCCHS): IXL for Intervention: Utilizing Technology for RTII (Part A)
- Spencer Cooke (CMS): Understanding the Elephant and Donkey: Political Parties and Their Politics
- Brittany Hackney (ECES): Throw Kindness Around Like Confetti
- Misty Stehle (ECES): Seeds of Data
- Tonya Lynette Morris (ECES): Singing Sensations/Sing to Success
- Paige Brown (ECES): Pre-K Pets – Observing, Nurturing and Learning
- Lacritia Sanson (ECES): Project K
- Jennifer Copeland (HHS): Special Olympics – Changing Attitudes and Changing Lives
- Jennifer Roberts (HMS): Reading in Math
- Karen Carlton (HMS): Shark Bait Ooh HaHa!
- Brittany Hardin (KSES): STEM: Stretching Second Grade Science
- Lacie Elrod (PES): Flat Stanley at a Flat Rate
- Teri Meister (PVES): Sky Readers Weather Station
- Joanna Melton (PVES): What Time Is It? Game Time!
- Gwen Dillahay (PVES): Centered on Learning in First Grade
- John Staggs (SHS): Drones are on the Rise
- Toni Hawley (SHS): Keep Calm and Groom On
- Trevor Johnston (SHS): Hand-On Horticulture
- Jesse Buck (SMS): You Want Me to Balance What?
- Bethany Weeks (SMS): “Centered” On Learning
- Jennifer Winters (SMS): History Through Read-Aloud
- Jennifer Lamb (SMS): Beyond the Worksheet – Common Core Resources for Active Learning
- Kelly Peppard (WCES): Mathtastic Legos.