Students in Johnny Staggs’ tech issues and advance design classes spent a few weeks creating the sensory board.
As a member of the school’s Best Buddies program, student Alyssa Pinkston said she knows many of the Life Skills students personally and she wanted to include certain items on the board that they would enjoy.
“I wanted to create something they can use on a daily basis that not only helps them, but also helps the teachers keep them active,” she said.
Sensory boards contain various textures and items that stimulate a person’s senses and provide practice for motor skills.
Some of the items included on the board include light switches, door knobs, door latches, clickers and a variety of different wheels. There’s also a small carpet room and space for a piano keyboard.
Pinkston said the students decided to paint the board in pastel colors so it will have a calming and reassuring effect on the Life Skills students.
Staggs said his students used their creativity in helping design the board.
“I told them it was their project and not mine. They brought in items from home, and Van’s Hardware in Pleasant View also donated a lot of the items,” he said.