School faculty noted that Family Night is also being held in conjunction with the interactive underwater experience from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Robyn Randall, fourth grade teacher at Ashland City Elementary and event organizer said, “We are very fortunate to have the technology that allows us to present a live video connection with Australia.” Randall also said the theme for the evening will involve measurement and geometry.
District technology supervisor, Will Lockert said, “Ms. Randall has gone out of her way to make this an amazing learning opportunity for ACES students, parents, and the community.”
According to the Reef HQ Education Center, this introduction to the Great Barrier Reef gives students a unique environment to learn about the Great Barrier Reef. The hour-long program will feature a scuba diver who will take participants on a virtual dive in the coral reef. The presentation also includes a question and answer session with the presenter in Australia. The program will conclude with the scuba diver taking participants into the predator tank to explore sharks and other reef predators.
A team of qualified educators facilitates the program. During the program, participants will:
- Observe more than 5,000 live sea creatures;
- Experience the habitats, ecosystems and behavior of reef creatures;
- Analyze the interactions that exist between reef creatures;
- Appreciate the requirements for a healthy ecosystem; and
- Discover the latest in reef research.
For more information on the Great Barrier Reef, visit http://www.gbrmpa.gov.au/