In an effort to help the community prepare, the district could possibly call stakeholders on the Skylert phone notification system in the afternoon or evening before an anticipated weather event that could cause the closing of schools.
If the decision to close schools is made overnight, stakeholders will receive a phone call early in the morning.
In addition, parents, students and staff may “like” the “Cheatham County School District” Facebook page and follow the district on Twitter (@CCBOE) to receive school closing information.
Notifications about any closures will also be sent to Nashville television stations and the local radio station and newspapers.
On occasion, the district may delay the start of the school day or dismiss early due to inclement weather. Should this occur, information will be shared in the same manner.
Parents are encouraged to establish an emergency plan for their children in the event that schools are closed, start late or dismissed early.
Interim Director of Schools Stacy Brinkley said student safety is the ultimate factor when making a decision whether to close schools.
“We will try to make a decision to close schools as early as we can so parents can make any necessary arrangements,” Brinkley said. “Usually, the decision to delay or close school will be made the night before, if weather conditions warrant. If not, the announcement will be made as early in the morning as possible.”
Transportation Director Cal Blacker monitors road conditions around the county as well as school resource officers and the Cheatham County Sheriff’s Office. He will make a recommendation to the director of schools, who makes the decision to close or delay the opening of school.
“Since Cheatham County has many rural roads, it is possible we could have adverse driving conditions in one part of the county, while roads are just fine in other parts. We must take into consideration the conditions of all roads in the district,” Brinkley said.
The district has 12 inclement weather days built into the 2016-17 calendar.
School leaders also remind parents to dress your children appropriately during the winter months. Layered clothing, head coverings, gloves and proper footwear are essential.