He is the son of Christopher and Jennifer Rowe of Ashland City.
Rowe was a member of the CCCHS marching band, Physics and Robotics Club, Spanish Club, Student Council and Beta Club. He served as president of the Chess Club his senior year.
He was a member of the cross country team his freshman year and was on track team all four years, serving as captain his sophomore, junior and senior years.
His academic achievements included placing first in the Cheatham Challenge History Competition, making a 31 on the ACT, being accepted into the Brock's Scholars program at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and receiving the Chancellor's scholarship from UTC.
Rowe plans to major in political science.
“I’m not sure what exactly I want to do. Hopefully college will help me figure that out,” he said.
Rowe said: “Overall, my experience at CCCHS has been positive. Though the school has some shortcomings, the fantastic peers and teachers I've met during my four years at the school make up for them. Even though I can't wait to graduate, I think I'll miss it once I'm gone.”
Hannah Battles is the salutatorian of the Cheatham County Central High School Class of 2018.
She is the daughter of Amy Castillo Ashland City.
During her time at CCCHS, she served as treasurer of the Beta Club and vice president and student representative of the Student Council and was a member of HOSA, Cub Pride, Pep Club, Cubs for Christ and Drama Club, appearing in the successful “Ring of Fire” play.
She was the captain on the cheer team and made the All-American Cheer Team.
Battles maintained a 4.0 GPA all throughout high school and was awarded the Lions Club scholarship.
She plans to attend Austin Peay State University and major in nursing.
“I hope to get my BSN and become a registered nurse. I hope to become a flight nurse. I also hope to take my career and be active in missionary work,” she said.
She said her time at CCCHS has been an experience that was nothing short of amazing.
“I am excited for the future and to see where God leads me, and I’ll be forever grateful for the memories that I have made with my peers. I am extremely blessed to be able to graduate with my class because we are like one big family,” she said.