Enhance staff wellness with the purchase of kettlebells, heavy exercise ropes, and jump ropes.
East Cheatham Elementary: $650
Musical instruments that are played with feet to promote movement and activity.
East Cheatham Elementary: $2,050
Exercise equipment, nutrition information to promote healthier diets, and planners to enhance staff wellness.
Kingston Springs Elementary: $3,000
Installation of a bocce court.
Pegram Elementary: $5,000
Continuous playground improvements such as moving swing sets and installation of climbing equipment.
Pleasant View Elementary: $4,500
Yoga equipment and playground upgrades.
Harpeth Middle School: $1,750
Heart rate monitors for P.E. and health classes.
Sycamore Middle School: $3,000
Development of an Environment Science Garden to be maintained by students in special education with assistance from students in general education.
Sycamore Middle School: $3,750
Exercise equipment for student and staff use, consisting of three (3) elliptical machines and five (5) exercise bikes.
Harpeth High School: $5,000
The purchase of twelve (12) student FitDesks for wellness classrooms.
Sycamore High School: $5,000
The purchase of five (5) rowing machines for student/staff weight rooms.